Monday, November 18, 2013

I recently viewed a blog on Texas State Gonvernment and Politics titled Healthcare in Texas and wrote this response:

          I agree that something should be done to resolve the issue of the Law which seems to mandate life insurance.  It seems that almost all sensible methods by which an individual can obtain insurance have been removed, making the cost to acquire the necessary life insurance outrageously expensive.  What's more is that the people we have elected to lead us have inadvertently cost us more than they are willing to pay back.  I was previously unaware of the extended regulations proposed by Perry and the threats made by Senator Cruz intended to stop Obamacare from being passed.  Moreover, they turned down an alleged 100 billion dollars offered to aid in helping people find insurance.  It is easy to assume that they are intentionally digging graves for many texans who cannot afford the currently outrageous costs of life insurance.  In fact, it seems almost foolish for them to put their feet down so firmly in the face of this new bill that they end up stepping all over their constituents. 
However, there are always two sides of every debate.  It would be interesting to see why exactly Perry and Cruz fought so hard against this legislation.  Were there issues where the bill was carrying some sort of legislation which would have had a negative effect on Texas?  Or perhaps they were simply looking out for their own interests.  Whatever the case, the fact is we do not have all the facts.  This is the thing that should bother us most, when people can no longer decide for themselves because they’ve been left in the dark about the true intentions which so often seems obscure in politics.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Always Remember The Fifth of November

This week is a voting week.  Not a vote for a new president, nor State Representatives, but rather an election which aims much closer to home.  On Tuesday, November 5, 2013 an election of nine constitutional amendments will be taking place which, if voted in, will directly alter our State Constitution.  The amendments range from property tax exemptions for the surviving spouses of  members of the U.S. armed forces who have been killed in the line of duty to the creation of the State Water Implementation Fund for Texas and the State Water Implementation Revenue Fund for Texas to the State Commission on Judicial Conduct (SCJC) being allowed to "discipline" judges who may not be complying with the standards of Judicial Conduct.

So, is this even important? Here's a thought; If it affects your neighbor, it can affect you as well.  If you don't buy in to that idea then here's another one; If it affects your friends, it affects you.  After all, the relationships we carry through life are what creates the memories that make us who we are.  So, in my opinion, OF COURSE IT'S IMPORTANT!

Most of the people I know and associate with spend more time and energy voting and discussing much more publicized national elections, however, one might argue that the bigger elections impact individuals much less than local and State elections.  To find out more information about the proposed amendments visit The League of Women Voters of Texas to find out more information and details about the nine proposed amendments.